
You might have noticed a large change in how this site looks. For a little while I've been wanting to move from tumblr to a different platform. That platform is Ghost, and I'm going to write an introductory post shortly; however there have been a couple of things that overshadow a site change.

This week has been overflowing with tragedy. Two people that I am blessed to have counted as friends passed away. On Tuesday, Bill Strothman was onboard a KOMO helicopter when it crashed and he died along with the pilot. Yesterday Will Loper, one of my friends who was part of our Mars Hill community group passed away. I don't know the cause of his death yet.

With Will's death, I had to talk with a bunch of guys in my current group and former members as well. On one of the calls we talked about how it wasn't supposed to be this way. That's so true.

Death was not part of God's creation in the beginning. Only after sin came in was it part of our lives as the penalty for turning our backs on him. In fact, all of us have some sense of the eternal. Ecclesiastes says that he has set eternity in our hearts (3:11). Death is tragic because it's not how we are wired. It's unnatural.

I knew both of these men through relationships at my current and former churches. They both led vastly different lives, but loved Jesus and were made new by him. They never met in this world, but now are in the presence of Jesus, their Lord and Savior. In the midst of tragedy, there can be rejoicing because they are home.